



Codey Rocky 在 Kickstarter 上的介紹

2017-12-3 12:32| 發佈者: magiccar| 查看: 24028| 評論: 0|來自: Kickstarter

摘要: AboutCodey RockyMeet Codey Rocky, your new coding companionCodey Rocky is an entry-level coding robot for STEM education, suitable for children ages 6 and up. The combination of easy-to-use robotics h ...

About Codey Rocky

Meet Codey Rocky, your new coding companion 
Codey Rocky is an entry-level coding robot for STEM education, suitable for children ages 6 and up. The combination of easy-to-use robotics hardware with graphical programming gives all children the opportunity to take their first steps into the world of code and compose their first “Hello World!” statement at the same time as they explore their creativity.

Two robots in one 
Codey is the detachable controller that holds all the magic. It includes more than 10 electronic modules that can be controlled via code. Rocky is the car that lets you take Codey anywhere you want, so that your clever programs can be run everywhere.

Make your games interactive 
Codey comes with a built-in 6-axis gyroscope so that you can control the games you code by moving or tilting your controller, and see the game respond to your actions.

Included with Codey Rocky is more than 20 learning guides for getting started with graphical programming and Python code. Seamlessly progress from one challenge to another, until you are ready to take on the advanced Python language - and simply convert your code in one click.



Beginner & Advanced Coding 
Create your first program by dragging and dropping code blocks and gradually gain more advanced skills, and transition into Python programming.

Logical Thinking 
Logic is the foundation of coding. Learn how to go from idea to working program by writing code that makes sense in practice.

Creative Expression 
Code is the easiest way to make something, and Codey Rocky makes it even more fun and creative. Make your ideas real in mBlock 5 and see your coding companion run your code.

AI and IoT Principles 
From voice recognition to infrared TV controls, Codey Rocky users gain first familiarity with Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things.


Easy to Start 
Makeblock’s mBlock 5 programming software is based on MIT’s graphical programming language Scratch 3.0 to guarantee that beginners can get started coding within minutes. All you need to do is drag and drop!

Available on various platform 
Regardless if you prefer to program on MacBook, Chromebook or desktop PC, or even in the cloud, mBlock 5 is ready for you to get started with code.

Switch to Python    
With just one click you can turn your graphical code into Python code and continue learning an advanced and practical language.

Connect to the Internet of Things
Use mBlock 5 to add Internet of Things-functionality to Codey Rocky. Control home appliances, get weather reports, and much more!

Get to know AI 
mBlock 5 software supports AI-functionality including voice and face recognition, and mood sensing etc. With Codey Rocky, children have the most fun and easiest way of getting familiar with one of the fundamental technologies of the 21st century.


10+ advanced electronic modules 
With more than 10 programmable electronic modules, Codey Rocky can be programmed to perform a wide range of fun effects and functions.

Rich sounds and lights effects 
Code to customize expression, to see time, weather, and personal messages shown on Codey's large LED display, bring your coding companion to life.

Hardware compatibility 
Codey Rocky is designed to be compatible with Makeblock Neuron and LEGO® bricks, to let you realize any idea you can come up with.

Wireless upload 
The optional Bluetooth dongle lets you upload code to your robot companion wirelessly to computer so that you can rapidly try out your code ideas. Please mind that must use our bluetooth dongle for wireless upload to computer, without it you can also use USB cable for wired upload, and for connection with tablets you can use tablet's bluetooth directly.


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Light sensing 
Rocky’s color and infrared sensors lets it recognize colors and follow the direction of lights that it senses. 

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Code your music 
Write code to assign functions to Codey’s three buttons and gear knob to make your companion into a powerful musical instrument.

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Weather reports 
Connect Codey Rocky to the internet and receive weather information, which can be displayed through Codey’s expressive LED display.

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If this, then that 
Connect events with Internet of Things and If this, then that (IFTTT) to make your Codey Rocky a truly interactive robot.

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Face and age recognition

Have fun with AI functions in mBlock 5 software support. Code to make Codey Rocky recognize the ages of people by observing their faces.

Since there are different packages, the contents in the box will vary according to the package you back. Please note the Rewards part below.


QQ|Archiver|手機版|小黑屋|圓創力科技有限公司 IOP Robotic Technology Co.,Ltd Tel: 07-3924582 Fax: 07-3924001

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